How to Create Space for What You Want in 2021 business resources lean out Jan 02, 2021

There's an activity I did with my clients during our annual retreat last month called "What are you committing to leave behind in 2020?" that I want to share with you because I think it is a great...

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Holiday Promotion Strategies for Service Based Businesses lean out Sep 24, 2020

Welcome to part 2 of our 2-part series on leaning out your offers and preparing your business for a profitable Q4 and 2021.  Part 1 focused on your offers and auditing your business....

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Lean Out Your Offers and Get Ready for the New Year lean out strategic planning Sep 17, 2020
With Q4 and the new year right around the corner, it's time to Lean Out and optimize your offers - i.e. your products, programs, services, etc.
The Fall is a great time to take a...
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Stop Starting. Start Finishing. lean out Jul 09, 2020

If your week looks anything like most other business owners, it probably goes something like this:

  • You have the best of intentions to get all the things done you have on your priority list
  • ...
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How to Lean Out Your Digital Workspace lean out May 01, 2020

After you have spent time leaning out your physical workspace, the second step is to lean out your digital workspace. The digital workspace often gets forgotten about, but now that we're...

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How to Lean Out Your Physical Workspace lean out Apr 21, 2020

If your physical workspace has you feeling stressed out or overwhelmed, it's time to "lean out" by evaluating what's currently working, what isn't, and what you want to bring with you into the...

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Your Guide to Lean Strategic Planning lean out strategic planning Apr 16, 2020

The most effective way to build sustainable success in your business and deliver real lasting results?

It’s lean strategic planning.

Strategic planning starts with vision and systematically...

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How to Identify and Eliminate Non-Essential Business Activities lean out Feb 26, 2020

Time is the most precious resource you have so it is very important that you are spending it on the right activities and that you are eliminating anything that isn't essential.

The most simple way...

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How To Let Go of What No Longer Serves You lean out Jan 30, 2020

Growth = letting go of what no longer serves you.

This sounds obvious, right? The challenge is in knowing what serves us so we know what to let go of, and that can be... well, not-so-obvious.


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Lean Out Tip: Stop Starting and Start Finishing lean out Nov 17, 2019

When you are looking to level up your business, there are many lean strategies that can help you.  One of my favorites is the concept of "stop starting, and start finishing".

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5S Your Workspace - How to Implement Lean Practices In Your Business business resources lean out Jan 15, 2019

Time = money.  And I guarantee there is hidden time and money within your current business in the form of waste.

Also known as muda, waste is the killer of productivity and...

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