Lean Out Tip: Stop Starting and Start Finishing

lean out

When you are looking to level up your business, there are many lean strategies that can help you.  One of my favorites is the concept of "stop starting, and start finishing".⁣⁣

We often have too many things going on at the same time and instead of focusing our efforts on finishing the things already in progress, we continuously start something new.⁣  This leads to ending the week with having done a lot of "stuff" but having finished very little. This gives us a very low return on time investment and keeps us from seeing the benefits from any of the work we did.⁣

The simple practice of stop starting and start finishing is a total game changer.⁣  It reminds us to:

1. Focus on doing less things at once - try working on only one thing at a time whenever feasible or batching a group of like activities together. ⁣

2. Focus on finishing what you have in progress BEFORE you start something new. 

3. Avoid the urge to make a little bit of progress on a lot of things thinking you will get them all finished by the end of the week.
⁣ ⁣

Here is how you can start using this practice in your business, starting TODAY.

Have a quick checkpoint to see how you are progressing towards your goals for the week (include your team if applicable). ⁣

An optimal week should show the following mix of progress on your activities:
  • Some finished
  • Some in progress
  • Some not yet started
At this point in the week, you should focus your efforts on bringing your highest priority activities that are already in progress to completion.  Especially if you don't have anything finished yet this week.  The hard part, but the key to being able to finish, is to not start anything else until you finish what's in progress, even if it means things move to the next week.
Use this practice weekly.
My recommendation is to do this every Wednesday (or whenever mid-week is for your work week).  We do this in our businesses and it makes a really big difference in what we accomplish in a week.  
I'd love to know how you use this practice, or one like it, in your business.  Leave a comment below.

by Crista Grasso

Crista Grasso is the go-to strategic planning expert for leading global businesses and online entrepreneurs when they want to scale.  Known as the "Business Optimizer", Crista has the ability to quickly cut through noise and focus on optimizing the core things that will make the biggest impact to scale a business simply and sustainably. She specializes in helping businesses gain clarity on the most important things that will drive maximum value for their clients and maximum profits for their business.  She is the creator of the Lean Out Method, 90 Day Lean Out Planner, and host of the Lean Out Your Business Podcast


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