Q1 - Q2 Work Smarter Not Harder Round Up

Q1 to Q2 Work Smarter Not Harder Round Up

loyb podcast

I love asking my guests the question, "How do you work smarter, not harder, and keep things lean in your business?" And I always love their responses!

In this special episode, we have rounded up all the answers my guests have given to this question so far this year. 

Even though a lot of the answers tend to be in the same categories, everyone has a different approach to keeping things efficient and lean. In fact, some guests really surprise me with their answers and I always find myself learning something new from these conversations. And I know for a lot of you that it's one of your favorite parts of the interviews as well!

I hope this compilation inspires you to make some changes in your business and how you structure your work so that you can get more time back, get things done more efficiently, and have more space for the things that you absolutely love. 

Below is a listing of the guests that are featured in this roundup. If you're looking for some great value-packed things to listen to over the holiday week, catch up on past episodes with these guests that cover:

  • Lisa Jones & Lindsay Hammond, talk about improving relationship dynamics in EP158
  • Jessica Sato, shares how to create change and impact in EP160
  • Karen Fagan, shares her expertise on using videos for more visibility in EP162
  • Michelle Glogovac, shares how to leverage podcast guesting for growth in EP164
  • Dom Farnan, blends mindfulness with business as she talks about conscious leadership in EP166
  • Marcia Riner, shares how to boost your profitability in EP168
  • Abby Herman, offers ways to lean out your content strategy in EP170
  • Jennifer Tamborski, shares strategies for hitting the million-dollar mark in EP172
  • Justine Beauregard, shares how to craft high-converting messaging in EP174
  • Anna Felix, shares how to grow your money smartly, safely, and significantly in EP176
  • Jennifer Fry, discusses how becoming a disruptor can increase your sales in EP178
  • Gwen Bortner, highlights operational mistakes that impact growth in EP180
  • Amy Collette, shares how writing a book can unleash your impact in EP182

Tune into Episode 183 of the Lean Out Your Business Podcast or keep reading below.

Harnessing Your Zone of Genius

A recurring theme among successful entrepreneurs is the strategic focus on their strengths. Instead of distributing their energy across numerous fronts, they set themselves up to be able to channel their efforts into what they excel at. 

Lisa Jones shares the power of hiring experts for elements of her business outside her Zone of Genuis.

Jessica Sato emphasizes the value of leaning on others and staying in your Zone of Genius (and allowing them to be in theirs!)

The Art of Tasking Out

Shifting from a do-it-all mindset to letting go of tasks that don't fill your cup indicates a significant transformation for many leaders. Assigning tasks that align with team strengths not only optimizes operational efficiency but also bolsters team confidence and decision-making capabilities.

Jennifer Frye shares her success with a strong team.

Amy Collete underscores the importance of having efficient and strategic team systems in place to make sure there is minimal wasted energy when tasks are being completed.

Simplicity as Strategy

Complexity isn't always synonymous with value. Many entrepreneurs (myself included) advocate for simplicity. One way to simplify is by focusing on executing a few tasks exceptionally well rather than juggling many with mediocrity. This helps prevent burnout and streamlines efforts towards impactful outcomes, allowing for more strategic use of time and resources.

Dom Farnan advocates this point exactly. 

Abby Herman also encourages businesses to keep things simple and not do more than you have to!

Leveraging the Right Tools

Adopting suitable tools can significantly streamline business operations. From comprehensive project management systems, to templates, to effective habit trackers that promote daily focus, the right tools are indispensable for maintaining a lean operation. Not to mention the incredible tool of AI (when used strategically) can have a huge positive impact on your day-to-day business operations. 

Michelle Glogovac discusses her go-to tools that keep things lean and simple. 

 Enhancing Customer Engagement

Delivering outstanding customer service and engagement transforms clients into brand advocates. Exceptional client experiences often lead to word-of-mouth marketing, one of the most effective and cost-efficient strategies. This not only enhances customer loyalty but also attracts new clients organically.

Anna Felix shares how having those 'raving fans' is crucial!

Jennifer Tamborski shares her client-centered approach. 

This roundup teaches us that in order to truly work smarter and not harder, embrace a strategy that optimizes your efforts and amplifies your outcomes. Focus on what you do best, delegate wisely, and simplify processes to achieve sustainable growth. 

One fantastic way to SImplify and Scale your business is through the strategic use of AI. If you want to learn the ways in which to leverage AI for your individual business, find out more about my LIVE 8-week program Simplify and Scale with AI by visiting strategicopsinstitute.com/scalewithai.

To your success!


by Crista Grasso

Crista Grasso is the go-to strategic planning expert for leading global businesses and online entrepreneurs when they want to scale.  Known as the "Business Optimizer", Crista has the ability to quickly cut through noise and focus on optimizing the core things that will make the biggest impact to scale a business simply and sustainably. She specializes in helping businesses gain clarity on the most important things that will drive maximum value for their clients and maximum profits for their business.  She is the creator of the Lean Out Method, 90 Day Lean Out Planner, and host of the Lean Out Your Business Podcast


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