Spring is in the air, and with the change in seasons comes a new batch of days to celebrate for Q2.
While you are creating your content calendar for Q2, whether using the one inside the Lean Out Planner or your own, here are some fun events, days to celebrate, and national holidays to inspire your content.
Choose a few days that relate to your business, and get creative planning for them. It could be something as simple as a social media post, or something you create an entire campaign around. You could plan to create photos that fit with the theme, or head over to Unsplash and find the perfect photo.
For example, let's say that you are a health coach who frequently talks about the importance of healthy eating and regular exercise. You could plan social media content, photos, and posts around National Walking Day, National Fitness Day, National Eat Your Vegetables Day and National Hydration Day (plus others).
You could take it one step further and plan an entire campaign around National Fitness Day. Engage your community and customers in a fitness contest with a reward that supports them in eating healthier or exercising more frequently like a gym membership or new running shoes.
Incorporating a couple of these holidays into your content calendar and marketing activities can be a fun and highly effective way to engage your community and stand out from the crowd. Cheers to planning an engaging content and marketing calendar for Q2 2021.
April 2021 Days to Celebrate
National Holidays:
- April 1st: April Fools Day #AprilFoolsDay
- April 4th: Easter Sunday #EasterSunday
- April 2nd: Good Friday #GoodFriday
Other Fun Days to Celebrate:
- April 2nd: World Autism Awareness Day #WorldAutismAwarenessDay
- April 3rd: National Handmade Day #NationalHandmadeDay
- April 4th: National Vitamin C Day #NationalVitaminCDay
- April 7th: National Beer Day #NationalBeerDay
- April 9th: National Unicorn Day #NationalUnicornDay
- April 10th: National Encourage a Young Writer Dayβ #EncourageAYoungWriterDayβ
- April 11th: National Pet Day #NationalPetDay
- April 14th: National Gardening Day #NationalGardeningDay
- April 14th: National Reach As High As You Can Dayβ #ReachAsHighAsYouCanDayβ
- April 15th National Tax Day #NationalTaxDay
- April 15th: Get To Know Your Customers Day #GetToKnowYourCustomersDay
- April 16th: National Wear Your Pajamas To Work Day #WearYourPajamasToWorkDay
- April 19th: National Hanging Out Dayβ #NationalHangingOutDayβ
- April 22nd: National Earth Day #NationalEarthDay
- April 23rd: National Picnic Dayβ #NationalPicnicDayβ
- April 25th: National Pet Parents Dayβ #NationalPetParentsDayβ
- April 26th: National Kids and Pets Dayβ #NationalKidsandPetsDayβ
- April 27th: National Tell A Story Day #NationalTellAStoryDay
- April 28th: National Superhero Dayβ #NationalSuperHeroDayβ
- April 30th: National Honesty Day #NationalHonestyDay
- April 30th: National Oatmeal Cookie Dayβ #NationalOatmealDayβ
Join the private Facebook group to download the full list of all days to celebrate in 2021.
May 2021 Days to Celebrate
National Holidays:
- May 31st: Memorial Day #MemorialDay
Other Fun Days to Celebrate:
- May 1st: National Loyalty Day #NationalLoyaltyDay
- May 2nd: National Fitness Day #NationalFitnessDay
- May 4th: National Teacher Appreciation Day #TeacherAppreicationDayβ
- May 5th: National Silence The Shame Day #SilenceTheShameDay
- May 5th: Cinco de Mayo #CincodeMayo
- May 6th: National Nurses Day #NationalNursesDay
- May 7th: National Packaging Design Dayβ #PackagingDesignDayβ
- May 8th: National Dog Mom's Day #NationalDogMomsDay
- May 9th: Mother's Day #MothersDay
- May 11th: National Eat What You Want Dayβ #EatWhatYouWantDayβ
- May 15th: National Armed Forces Dayβ #NationalArmedForcesDayβ
- May 16th: National Do Something Good For Your Neighbors Day #DoSomethingGoodForYourNeighborDay
- May 20th: National Be a Millionaire Day #NationalBeAMillionaireDay
- May 21st: National Bike To Work Dayβ #BikeToWorkDayβ
- May 24th: Brother's Dayβ #BrothersDayβ
- May 25th: National Wine Dayβ #NationalWineDay
- May 28th: National Road Trip Dayβ #NationalRoadTripDay
- May 30th: National Creativity Day #NationalCreativityDay
- May 31st: National Smile Day #NationalSmileDay
Join the private Facebook group to download the full list of all days to celebrate in 2021.
June 2021 Days to Celebrate
National Holidays:
- June 20th: Father's Day #FathersDay
- June 19th: Juneteenth #Juneteenth
Other Fun Days to Celebrate:
- June 1st: National Say Something Nice Dayβ #SaySomethingNiceDayβ
- June 2nd: National Leave The Office Early Dayβ #NationalLeaveTheOfficeEarlyDayβ
- June 4th: National Clean Beauty Dayβ #NationalCleanBeautyDayβ
- June 5th: National Trails Dayβ #NationalTrailsDayβ
- June 6th: D-Day #DDayβ
- June 7th: National Chocolate Ice Cream Dayβ #NationalChocolateIceCreamDayβ
- June 8th: National Best Friends Dayβ #NationalBestFriendsDayβ
- June 10th: National Herbs and Spices Dayβ #HerbsAndSpicesDayβ
- June 11th: National Making Life Beautiful Day #NationalMakingLifeBeautifulDay
- June 12th: National Loving Dayβ #NationalLovingDayβ
- June 13th: National Children's Dayβ #NationalChildrensDayβ
- June 14th: International Bath Dayβ #InternationalBathDayβ
- June 15th: Nature Photography Day #NaturePhotographyDay
- June 17th: National Eat Your Vegetables Day #NationalEatYourVegetablesDay
- June 18th: National Splurge Dayβ #NationalSplurgeDayβ
- June 21st: National Selfie Day #NationalSelfieDay
- June 23rd: National Pink Dayβ #NationalPinkDayβ
- June 25th: National Take Your Dog To Work Dayβ #TakeYourDogToWorkDayβ
- June 27th: National PTSD Awareness Dayβ #PTSDAwarenessDayβ
- June 30th: Social Media Day #SocialMediaDay
Join the private Facebook group to download the full list of all days to celebrate in 2021.
So, which days will you be planning to incorporate into your marketing and content calendar for Q2?
We'll be focused on National Take a Chance Day and National Making Life Beautiful Day.
How about you? XX
by Crista Grasso
Crista Grasso is the go-to strategic planning expert for leading global businesses and online entrepreneurs when they want to scale.Β Known as the "Business Optimizer", Crista has the ability to quickly cut through noise and focus on optimizing the core things that will make the biggest impact to scale a business simply and sustainably. She specializes in helping businesses gain clarity on the most important things that will drive maximum value for their clients and maximum profits for their business.Β She is the creator of the Lean Out Method, 90 Day Lean Out Planner, and host of the Lean Out Your Business Podcast.Β