Having an aligned and fulfilling business that is free from complexity, overwork, and overwhelm starts with having a next level vision.
In fact, I think it is the single most important thing you can do for your business when you want to lean out and be laser focused on what matters most. That's why it's the very first thing I do with every client I work with, and it's the first component of the Lean Out Method.
After helping hundreds of entrepreneurs define and then implement on their next level visions over the past 2 decades, I have noticed 3 different types of visionaries, each with their own unique pattern of success.
Keep reading below or check out episode 53 of the Lean Out Your Business Podcast to learn which type of visionary you are, who you need to surround yourself with, and what to do to implement on that vision and make it a reality.
Plus, we dive into how to set a next-level vision which most entrepreneurs are missing at least 1 critical component of that is holding them back from even greater success in their business.
This is the year to dream bigger and make your vision and goals a reality.
In episode 53, I dive into:
- What is a vision (and it’s not a vision statement)
- The three types of visionaries
- Success patterns for each visionary type
- The three critical facets of your vision
- The difference between a good vision and a great one
- What a next-level vision is and why you need one
- Why you don’t want to create a vision from where you are today
- What to do if you struggle with vision casting
Tune into Episode 53 of the Lean Out Your Business Podcast or keep reading below.
What is a Vision
A next-level vision is different from your vision statement or your business’s values and mission. It is a vivid mental image of what you want your business to be at some point in the future.
It acts as your guide for the decisions you make and the actions you take and makes it easy to know what to say 'no' to when something isn't in alignment.
When you start with the end in mind and have a clear vision that is filled with passion and purpose, it makes it easier to stay focused on the things that matter most.
3 Types of Visionaries
- The Confident Dreamer: This is the Richard Branson, Elon Musk confident type. They have dreams so big that most people don’t believe it’s possible when they share their vision. But they don't care what others thing, because they have full confidence that they will find a way to make their big bold vision a reality. They know their purpose and their mission, and nothing will stop them from achieving their vision and goals (even if they aren't quite sure how they are going to do it yet).
- The Cautious Practicalist: This type of visionary doesn't allow themselves to dream as big as they could. They limit themselves based on what they see in their industry or what they think they are personally capable of. They sometimes don't allow themselves to dream big at all, or if they do, they keep their big dreams to themselves because they don't believe they are actually possible. Or at least highly unlikely. They find reasons and evidence of why they can't instead of all the reasons why they can, not out of pessimism, but rather out of practicality mixed with some self doubt.
- The Cautious Dreamer: A blend of both the Confident Dreamer and the Cautious Practicalist, they know how to dream big and create a big bold vision, but instead of the confidence that that the confident dreamer has that it will happen no matter what, their practical side keeps them cautiously optimistic. They know there is more out there for them, but they air on the side of caution in order to continue to get consistent results that they can predict with reliable accuracy.
Success Patterns for Each Visionary Type
- Confident Dreamer: Because the confident dreamer is an idea generating machine, one of their biggest struggles is trying to pursue too many ideas at once, and not stay focused enough on one to get results. They also love coming up with the vision and ideas but not implementing them, so what they need is a team of implementors who know how to roll up their sleeves and take action on making their vision a reality. Having a business coach or strategist is also hugely beneficial to help them sort through all of their ideas, stay laser-focused, and to get all the right pieces in place.
- Cautious Practicalist: Because the cautious practicalist tends to limit themselves, they need someone to help them dream bigger, to challenge them to realize that their big dreams are possible and that even if it hasn't been done in their industry before doesn't mean that they can't be the one to do it. Getting into a mastermind or group mentorship program where there is a community of other entrepreneurs at and above their level will help them see evidence and develop the self-belief in what is possible for them. Seeing others doing it so they can see themselves doing it as well helps remove some of the negative limiting beliefs. They will also need a team of people to roll up their sleeves and get stuff done, and prove to them time and time again they are on the right track.
- Cautious Dreamer: Because the Cautious Dreamer is a blend of the 2 other types, they would benefit from the things from each. They typically realize their vision and achieve their goals consistently, but the thing is that they are actually capable of achieving a much bigger vision. By surrounding themselves with business coaches, mentors, masterminds, and a community they will be able to see all the possibilities around them and challenge themselves to go for an even bigger vision. With a team of people to get things done, and a coach to guide them along the way they are able to achieve massive and accelerated results.
Something that is common across all 3 types is that they rarely know how to take the vision that they have and break it down into the projects and activities that will get them there in the most direct path possible. Setting a vision is one thing. Planning for how to implement on that vision and get results is another, and often takes partnering with the right business strategist.
This is our specialty, so if you would like support in making your big bold vision and goals a reality this year, let's chat. Hop on a consult call or join us at the Reimagine Retreat.
3 Critical Facets to Vision
What is a good vision? There are three critical components to a solid vision, however at least one of the 3 components is often missed.
1. Your Business
Ask yourself these questions and give yourself permission to dream BIG when thinking about what you want for your business without allowing any limiting beliefs to hold you back.
- What does the future look like for your business?
- What do you want to be known for?
- What do you help your clients achieve?
- What are you the go-to business for?
- What is your business model?
- What are your offers?
- How do you help people?
- What is your pricing structure?
2. Your Life / Personal
As an entrepreneur, your life and business are very intertwined, so it is critical to not only look at your business but to also think about your personal lifestyle goals as well.
- What do you want your lifestyle to be?
- Where do you want to live?
- How much do you want to work?
- What role do you play in your business?
- What is your zone of genius?
- How does your zone of genius evolve?
- What are your health and wellness goals?
3. Your Customer
Without customers, you don't have a business, yet your customers are an often overlooked and critical component of a good vision.
- When looking to the future, what are your customers' lives like?
- Who are your customers of the future?
- What kind of people are you looking to work with?
- What is the business model for your customers ten years down the road?
- Do you work in a niche market?
- Does your customer grow and ascend along with your business?
A good vision includes these 3 facets, however a great vision also considers the next level including:
- Thinking and mindset
- Future business and life of both you and your customers
It is created from the place of your future self, business, and customer.
What a Next Level Vision Is and Why You Need One
A next-level vision means thinking at the next level when creating your vision.
If you create your vision from the person and mindset of today, you create your vision with today's constraints and limiting beliefs which makes it much harder to dream really big and truly see what's possible.
You want to put yourself into the mindset of your future self, as well as imagining the types of decisions you and your clients will be making at that point in the future.
Vision Casting
If you struggle with thinking from the place of your future self, there is an activity that you can do that can be really helpful to get into the right mindset.
Start by looking back 10 years ago to recognize and appreciate how much you were able to achieve, grow, and evolve in the past decade. I bet there are many things you have in place today that may have never even imagined, or not thought possible.
Here are a few questions you can ask yourself, looking back 10 years (or however far back you want to look).
- How much has your business transformed since you first had the idea for it?
- How much have you evolved in your role as a business leader?
- How has your customer / target market evolved?
- How has your team evolved?
- What are some of your biggest successes that would have surprised 10-years-ago-you?
Leverage the recognition of the incredible transformation you have experienced so far to imagine what's possible in the next 10 years (or however far into the future you want to look).
- What could be possible for you in the next 10 years?
- What is the next level for you, your business, and your customer and what does each do different from today?
- What did the10-year-wiser version of yourself have to do in order to get there - what limited beliefs and mindset changes were needed, how did the business model have to evolve, how did your role as the leader of your business grow?
Then take that long-term 10-year vision and break it down into a vision for the next year and ask yourself similar questions. Define what needed to happen to get you from where you are today to where you will be 1 year from today.
- How does your mindset evolve?
- How does your leadership evolve?
- How do you grow personally?
- What decisions do you make to better serve your clients?
- What do you change about your habits and routines?
Creating an effective next-level vision is as much about dreaming big as it is about the strategy you will need to implement and make it a reality. Take the time to ask yourself the questions now so you can create the ultimate business and life you want.
If you would like support in making your big bold vision and goals a reality this year, let's chat. Hop on a consult call or join us at the Lean Out Method Reimagine Retreat.
Have you established your long-term next level vision as well as your vision for this year yet? What about your vision are you most excited about?
Share in the comments below.
by Crista Grasso
Crista Grasso is the go-to strategic planning expert for leading global businesses and online entrepreneurs when they want to scale. Known as the "Business Optimizer", Crista has the ability to quickly cut through noise and focus on optimizing the core things that will make the biggest impact to scale a business simply and sustainably. She specializes in helping businesses gain clarity on the most important things that will drive maximum value for their clients and maximum profits for their business. She is the creator of the Lean Out Method, 90 Day Lean Out Planner, and host of the Lean Out Your Business Podcast.