Are you feeling ready for a change or to go bigger as you step into your next level?
- Maybe you've been working way too much and are sick of continuously sacrificing your personal life and your health for your business?
- Or maybe you've lost the passion you once felt for what you do and want to take a fresh look at your business model, offers, or team?
- Or maybe you are filled with so many amazing ideas to scale your business but don't know where to focus next?
- Or maybe you're thinking to the future and may know that what got you here won't get you there, but have no idea what will get you there. And where exactly is there anyway?!?
If any of these sound like you, and you are also ready to say f-it to all of the 'musts' and 'shoulds' and instead scale your business in a simple, sustainable, and inspired way that is in alignment for you, then...
It’s Time To Embrace All That You and Your Business Can Be
A powerful 3-day immersive experience focused on:
Strategy ✧ Planning ✧ Transformation ✧ Next-Level Results
The Reimagine Retreat will be the best investment you make this year - in your business, and in yourself.
Now accepting applications for MARCH 19th - 21st, 2025
Scottsdale, AZ
What's Different About This Event
We are all about blending the practical with the transformational.
- It's not about doing more, it's about finding the few things that will make the biggest impact and optimizing the shit out of them.
- You won't walk away with an overwhelming list of things to do, you will leave with a whole lot of clarity and focus, and a roadmap for success and scale for YOUR business.
- With uninterrupted space and dedicated focus time, you will build out your 90 day strategic plan and roadmap that you can start taking action on right away.
- You will be in good company with a small intimate group of powerhouse women who are trail blazers, dream chasers and magic makers.
The Reimagine Retreat is for you if you are an established business owner ready for your next evolution and want to be a part of a super exclusive and deeply transformational experience.
Whether you are ready to make a big bold business move and reimagine your full business model or if you are at the point of refining what you have and know that small changes will generate huge results, this retreat is for you.
The Reimagine Retreat + Mastermind will NOT be a good fit for you if:
- You are brand new to business or still at the idea stage
- You have a fixed mindset and believe things must be done a certain way and aren't open to new possibilities
- You are expecting overnight results without doing the work and taking action on the strategies and plans you create at the retreat
- You are simply looking for a few days away from your desk and have no desire to dig deep and do the deeply transformational work it takes to step into your next level
- You just want to sit back and listen and not engage or build connections with and support the other guests throughout the experience
- You are offended by cursing - we love a good f-bomb and there will be lots of them!
" I feel like I've had so many light bulb moments in this retreat... not only am I walking away knowing that my business will be even more profitable,
I know that I'll be able to spend less time in my business and more time ON my business,
and even more important than that, I'll be able to focus on activities that really feel pleasurable for me and really allow me to operate in my zone of genius.
I can not say enough amazing things about this retreat."
- Melissa Cassera, Entrepreneur and Screen Writer

When I reflect on all of the major uplevels I have experienced in my businesses over the past 20 years, attending retreats and participating in masterminds was the #1 catalyst.
That’s why I’m so passionate about creating this same kind of experience for you. Plus, it's a fraction of the investment in doing this work with me privately or in one of my yearlong mastermind programs.
APPLY NOW TO JOINHear What Prior Retreat Attendees Had to Share About Their Experience
What's Included and What Isn't?
How Many People Will Be There?
When Should I Plan to Travel?
What Is Your Covid Policy?
Crista is a business scaling strategist, and a lean and agile strategic planning and systems expert with more than 2 decades of experience working with small businesses and large Fortune 50 companies.
She is the creator of the Lean Out Method® and the Lean Business Scaling System™ which she designed specifically for small businesses who want to scale to multiple 7 figures in simple and sustainable ways.
Her 1-on-1 strategic advisory and transformational group programs and retreats help you eliminate unnecessary complexity and build a business that runs itself through simple systems and a rockstar team so you can step into your next level of visionary leadership and dramatically increase your impact and profitability while regaining time back in your week.
She is passionate about helping businesses make their big bold vision and goals a reality in the most aligned and simple way possible.
"I think Crista is really great at what I call 'naming and framing.' So, naming new offers, new services, new podcasts, and then creating the framework about what that is going to look like...That's where Crista really comes into play.
That's what she's really great at is helping people get clarity on their business, what they want to offer in their business, how they want to move their business forward and scale their work."
-Nicole Lacovoni, Licensed Psychotherapist and Author
The Reimagine Retreat is just the right blend of...
focus and fun, rejuvenation and transformation
Sneak Peek Inside the 3 Days
Sessions are 9am to 6pm each day with breakfast at 8:30am; cocktail reception goes to 6pm
There is an open Q&A each day to deep dive into your specific business questions
Explore the high level agenda below
Here's Everything You'll Experience at the Reimagine Retreat
One of the best things you can do to level up is to surround yourself with people who think different.
- People who have achieved the next level of success
- People who are outside your industry
- People with different experiences
- People with different perspectives
At this retreat, you will find yourself building connections with the people who will help you get to your next level, from your retreat host to the other attendees.
When a group of committed trail blazers, dream chasers and magic makers come together to support one another, anything is possible.
Clarity and Focus
We will spend 3 full days together getting clear on your next level of success and scale for your business.
You will leave this retreat with the clarity and focus on how to make your business successful beyond your wildest imagination.
Expect some serious breakthroughs and game changer moments, and an action plan that is fully aligned to the big vision and goals you have for your reimagined business.
Mastermind-Style Hotseats
How would you like to have a dedicated 30 minutes laser focused on your business with a small group of powerhouse entrepreneurs and trailblazers deep diving into your biggest burning business question, challenge, or opportunity?
This highly valuable and transformative experience is usually reserved for our mastermind clients, but we are incorporating mastermind-style hot seats into the 3-day retreat so you get a blend of mastermind + retreat.
That dedicated time focused on YOU will be worth the investment alone!
Time for Reflection & Strategic Thinking
Sometimes you need to step away from your daily routine in order to truly level up.
Give yourself the gift of space and dedicated focus time so you can reflect and think strategically about your next level of business and personal success.
Take in the fresh air, feel the sunshine on your skin, and immerse yourself in the stunning Arizona landscape and you will leave the retreat feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and so ready for what comes next!
We are all about Lean + Luxe and the retreat provides both.
BONUS: Tools for Sustainable Success
We'll work through powerful exercises and discussions to not only transform and level up your business and yourself but to also build sustainable success so you always have the confidence that your business will thrive.
As an attendee of the Reimagine Retreat, you'll receive an exclusive workbook to compliment the activities we do together, as well as a 90-day Lean Out Planner to keep you focused on making your big bold vision and goals a reality.
You'll have all the tools you need to build sustainable success both at the event and after.
Meals and Cocktail / Mocktail Reception
Each day of the retreat includes a delicious and healthy breakfast and lunch with water, coffee, and tea available. Food sensitivities and preferences will be accommodated as best as possible.
To celebrate our time together and build deeper connections amongst guests, there will be a cocktail / mocktail reception from 4:30pm - 6pm on day 2 of the retreat.

BONUS: Mini-Photoshoot
The best way to step into your next level is to fully embody that person today.
What better way to do that than with a photoshoot that captures your next level!
We gift you with a mini-photoshoot so you leave the retreat with gorgeous photos you can use for social and web that reflect the next level you are stepping into.